Delivery time for our products that are shipped to an address in Slovenia is 1-3 working days. We ship most orders on the same day as they come in, so you can receive our products the next day. In case of delivery to an address abroad (international delivery), the delivery time depends on processing times of our carriers for the destination country. On average international shipments take 5-10 days.
The cost of delivery is paid by the buyer. For delivery to an address in Slovenia, we charge 3.00 EUR including VAT. The cost of delivery to an address outside of Slovenia depends on the country of delivery. Correct delivery prices will be shown at checkout after you input the delivery address. With promotional campaigns for free delivery, always pay attention to the validity date of the campaign, which will be marked separately.
Our contractual partners for the delivery of parcels are currently companies Pošta Slovenije and GLS. We reserve the right to choose another delivery service provider if the order could be fulfilled more efficiently.
The package carrier is responsible for delivering your shipment in the perfect condition. In the event that the shipment is physically damaged, destroyed, lost during transport, the contents are missing or the shipment shows signs of being opened, the buyer must initiate the delivery complaint procedure with the company that made the delivery. You can always contact us for help.
You can always ask us about the exact delivery time via email info@tattoocare.si
Tattoo Care Team,
Take Care!